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Middle East: UAE arrests Uzbek citizens over rabbi killing
Middle East: UAE arrests Uzbek citizens over rabbi killing

Middle East: UAE arrests Uzbek citizens over rabbi killing

4 months ago

While no motive was given by the UAE authorities, Israel’s Foreign Ministry believes antisemitism was behind the killing in Dubai of an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi.

The United Arab Emirates said Monday police arrested three Uzbek nationals for the killing of an Israeli-Moldovan rabbi, with the country’s Interior Ministry offering no motive for the slaying of Zvi Kogan.

Israeli authorities say the motive for the killing was that Kogan was Jewish.

Kogan, 28, was an ultra-Orthodox rabbi who went missing on Thursday. He ran a kosher story in the city of Dubai, where Israelis have flocked for commerce and tourism since the two countries forged diplomatic ties in the 2020 Abraham Accords. 

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