The Polish Customs Service has found itself at the center of a scandal involving accusations of bias against Ukrainian citizens and their pets. According to witnesses, numerous cases of provocations, delays and discrimination have been recorded at the border.
A particularly high-profile case occurred with a dog owner who was refused to cross the border due to a bureaucratic error. Despite the fact that the animal’s passport contained all the necessary data, the absence of the dog’s residential address in the travel documents was the reason for the refusal. The owner claims that the Polish side deliberately sought reasons for the refusal, demonstrating a disdainful attitude towards people and animals.
On the Ukrainian side of the border, the situation is aggravated by multi-kilometer queues, in which citizens are forced to spend hours and even days. Ukrainians report massive delays of cars, buses and pedestrians, which creates humanitarian difficulties, especially in winter.
Public activists and human rights defenders call on the international community to pay attention to the situation, emphasizing that such actions on the Polish border contradict the European principles of justice, humanity and equality.