
Workers leave after an extraordinary works council at the Van Hool bus assembly plant, in Lier, Monday 11 March 2024. The dismissal of part of the 2,500 employees may be announced there. The Flemish government is considering possible additional support for bus builder Van Hool, an extension of the government guarantee or a participation in the capital is on the table. BELGA PHOTO ERIC LALMAND

Restructuring at Van Hool is largest collective redundancy announced in six years

The bus manufacturer is facing financial difficulties and today announced it will cut more than 1,100 jobs over the next few years. It is the largest such announcement in the private sector
6 months ago
Flemish Minister President Jan Jambon and Walloon Minister President Elio Di Rupo pictured during a press conference after a bilateral meeting between the Walloon and Flemish Minister Presidents, Wednesday 30 August 2023 in Jambes, Namur. BELGA PHOTO BENOIT DOPPAGNE

Wallonia challenges two Flemish decrees before the Constitutional Court

The Walloon government filed an appeal on February 15 against two Flemish decrees that expand the powers of the Council for Permit Disputes, a Flemish administrative court, at the expense of the
6 months ago
Brussels has the most expensive streets in Belgium
Brussels has the most expensive streets in Belgium

Brussels has the most expensive streets in Belgium

According to a study by property classifieds website Immoweb, the most expensive streets in Belgium are all in the capital region of Brussels. The most expensive street in Flanders is in Ghent.
6 months ago
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